With 2014 rapidly approaching, Business Benefits Insurance Solutions is ready to assist your firm in navigating the significant pricing and medical plan changes resulting from the Affordable Care Act. Many small employers (less than 51 employees) are currently taking...
I found this article to be a good summary of the recent Supreme Court decision on DOMA, what employers need to think about, and the potential impact on benefit practices. The article is titled, “DOMA Decision Raises as many Questions as Answers”...
Mark Mazur, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at the U.S. Department of Treasury, announced in a blog post this afternoon that the Employer Mandate “Play or Pay” provision of the Affordable Care Act will be delayed one year. There are two...
The model notice that employers are required to provide to their employees explaining the existence of the public exchange, or marketplace, by October 1, 2013, makes mention of some of the confusing issues likely to arise around the issue of...
All group policies or contracts contain a specified time period for employers to submit enrollment additions, changes, and terminations. The insurance companies usually will accept new hire enrollments and changes within 30 days. They also prefer to...
HR Managers typically find checklists very useful for managing practices and procedures. We have two documents that we think are of particular interest: 1) Group Health Plan Notices Calendar (based on ERISA) for general reference and includes many links to...