The state pension system crisis, HB 279, general recession and rising utility costs are just some of the heavy financial burdens for the boards, councils and leaders in our local city and county governments. As daunting as those issues are for our leaders to...
Earlier this month the Society of Actuaries issued an 83 page report named, “Cost of the Future Newly Insured under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)”. This report has been referenced many times in recent days and some debate the validity of the projections...
For health plans beginning in 2014 employers will need to limit new-hire waiting periods, for employees reasonably expected to work full time, to no more than 90 days. If the employer prefers the effective date of coverage to start on the first of the month following...
Employers with an average of 50 full-time equivalent employees (FTE) in the preceding calendar year must provide minimum essential coverage, which meets minimum value and is considered “affordable”, to “substantially” all its full-time...
New “small” group plans and non-grandfathered renewals starting January 1st, 2014 will have premiums based on community rating. Fully insured plans in the individual and small group markets will only be able to consider family size, geography, tobacco use,...
The Affordable Care Act requires that all employers notify their employees about exchanges. Notices were supposed to go out March 1, 2013, but the Department of Labor has just released an FAQ (see question 1) that says March 1, 2013, is not practical. The new FAQ says...