WCPO features an article in their Money section online, where Business Benefits’ Geralyn Isler is quoted sharing a strategy of employers exploring their options before January 1, 2014. Scott Guenther of Adams Stepner Woltermann & Dusing is also...
Perhaps it is time that we lower the volume on the Affordable Care Act debate. The ACA is here. It will significantly impact nearly every American who is not covered under Medicare. Some of us will find our rates much higher; some of us will find that our...
The Affordable Care Act requires all employers who are subject to FLSA to provide to all employees a notice of the Health Insurance Marketplace (a.k.a. Exchange) per the U.S. Department of Labor, Technical Release 2013-02, by October 1, 2013 and to all new...
By now most everyone in the U.S. is aware they must sign up for health coverage that meets new minimum standards according to the Affordable Care Act by January 1, 2014. (Open Enrollment begins on October 1, 2013.) Seniors enrolled in Medicare will keep...
With 2014 rapidly approaching, Business Benefits Insurance Solutions is ready to assist your firm in navigating the significant pricing and medical plan changes resulting from the Affordable Care Act. Many small employers (less than 51 employees) are currently taking...
Mark Mazur, Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at the U.S. Department of Treasury, announced in a blog post this afternoon that the Employer Mandate “Play or Pay” provision of the Affordable Care Act will be delayed one year. There are two...