The model notice that employers are required to provide to their employees explaining the existence of the public exchange, or marketplace, by October 1, 2013, makes mention of some of the confusing issues likely to arise around the issue of...
HR Managers typically find checklists very useful for managing practices and procedures. We have two documents that we think are of particular interest: 1) Group Health Plan Notices Calendar (based on ERISA) for general reference and includes many links to...
The Affordable Care Act establishes an online Health Insurance Marketplace also known as an exchange to be operated by either the federal or state government. The purpose of the exchange is to provide an organized marketplace to find and compare private health...
The Affordable Care Act requires that employers notify their employees about Exchanges. Notices were supposed to go out March 1, 2013, but the Department of Labor delayed the requirement to late summer or fall of 2013. On May 8, 2013 the Department of Labor...
One of the primary goals of the Affordable Care Act is to significantly reduce the number of uninsured Americans. The ACA includes language expanding eligibility for Medicaid. Funding for Medicaid comes from State and Federal government. In June...
New HSA limits were released by IRS for 2014. Contribution Limits: Single – $3,300 Family – $6,550 (Catchup contributions +$1,000) Deductible Minimums: Single – $1,250 Family – $2,500 Maximum...