This past December, District Judge Reed O’Conner released his ruling in the case Texas v. United States. The case questioned the constitutionality of the ACA’s individual mandate after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 reduced the individual mandate...
Once again (in Notice 2018-94) the IRS has extended the deadline for furnishing Forms 1095-B and 1095-C to individuals from January 31 to March 4, 2019. The notice does not extend the due date for filing Forms 1094-B and 1094-C (and accompanying Form 1095s)...
On June 19th, 2018, the Department of Labor released final rules allowing for expanded availability of Association Health Plans (AHPs), typically for small employers. The rule establishes a broader definition of eligible employers that can join an association to...
The IRS recently released Notice 2018-17 that permits small employers to claim the small business tax credit for non-marketplace coverage if there are no options available on the small business health options (SHOP) marketplace. The notice applies for 2017...
Once again CMS and HHS will allow small employers and individual health plans another year extension of transitional (grand-mothered) coverage. Transitional relief allows employers to continue to use their health plans that don't meet requirements of the...
On April 26, 2018 the IRS announced that they are changing the HSA contribution limit once again for participants with family coverage for 2018. The new maximum contribution limit is going up to $6,900, $50 higher than announced earlier this year in...