New HSA limits were released by IRS for 2015. Contribution Limits: Single – $3,350 Family – $6,650 (Catchup contributions +$1,000) Deductible Minimums: Single – $1,300 ...
The ACA requires that deductibles on small employer health plans not exceed $2000 single and $4000 family. Many employers who offer HDHPs had been concerned about being required to lower their deductible upon renewal in 2014, thus causing higher premium. ...
Monday, February 10th, 2014, the Obama administration announced another delay for the employer mandate, this time giving employers with 50 – 99 full time equivalent (FTE) employees, who meet certain guidelines, some transitional relief until 2016....
Perhaps it is time that we lower the volume on the Affordable Care Act debate. The ACA is here. It will significantly impact nearly every American who is not covered under Medicare. Some of us will find our rates much higher; some of us will find that our...
The Affordable Care Act requires all employers who are subject to FLSA to provide to all employees a notice of the Health Insurance Marketplace (a.k.a. Exchange) per the U.S. Department of Labor, Technical Release 2013-02, by October 1, 2013 and to all new...
By now most everyone in the U.S. is aware they must sign up for health coverage that meets new minimum standards according to the Affordable Care Act by January 1, 2014. (Open Enrollment begins on October 1, 2013.) Seniors enrolled in Medicare will keep...